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So what do you think about my newfound FAVORITE Gal Group?
GO here for lots of fun videos!
So what do you think about my newfound FAVORITE Gal Group?
Jump, Scottie, Jump!
What's Talladega? It not just a race track. It's a SUPER SPEEDWAY, an atmosphere that's festive and bright, swarming with happy people everywhere at 7:30 in the morning, a sport that is like no other whose fans are like no other. Some get there days ahead and camp through Monday! The smells of all sorts of delicious food waft over the air, some from those taligating and cooking over charcoal on grills, some from vendors who show up each year.
The sounds are music (always there is Sweet Home Alabama playing somewhere!) and there are multiple helicopters flying overhead, a blimp sometimes buzzing slowly shooting video for the television coverage, and there are the numerous private jets flying in for the landing, to deliver their drivers to the raceway.
You'll also hear policemen's whistles as they direct six solid lanes of traffic inching into the huge complex four HOURS ON END...all to make a crowd of more than 140,000 souls in one place for one reason: to watch men race their amazingly fast machines against each other in a frighteningly bizarre, gigantic (2.66 miles!) racetrack that is as wide as a four-lane expressway, very steep on both ends: the turns are from four to six stories TALL and the pitch of those turns are as steep as an old farmhouse roof!
The huge complex that is the raceway, is over 2,500 acres and all around it are privately held parking lots and campgrounds. It is something that has its own museum, its own airstrip, and an infield that is larger than some racetracks on the NASCAR circuit! (If you are ever able to take a tour, or to do the PETTEY Ride-Along, do it! You'll learn a ton about this track that you never knew, and the ride around the track at 170mph is something you'll never forget! I did it and I loved it!)
There are miles of campgrounds on the roads leading into the track facility.
We always start the day with a little shopping at the huge food/merchandise markets set up in the open air across from the track complex. You'll see EVERYTHING there...take your pick...clothing, merchandise (some naughty, most nice) of ALL kinds and food!
After a little shopping for a new t-shirt of our favorite driver, a new dog collar and leash, we turn around and head back to the old farmhouse parking lot and then....
We find our seat and enjoy what we can see of the pre-race show, driver introductions, and then once the men remove their hats and the National Anthem is sung, we are treated to a huge semi driving the whole track with the most enormous American flag you've ever seen flying proudly on the back of the truck to the cheers of the crowds, with the finale being flyovers from the Air Force and a case of intense pride and goosebumps happen to me EVERY single time!
This man pictured here in the foreground, spotted a race fan heading up the steps of the stands during the National Anthem with his hat on his head. He took his own hat, smacked the man on the arm with it and said "Take off your hat!". The man sprinting up the steps, removed his hat, but kept on going. I wanted to go hug this man for standing up for his country! (Click on photo to see each of the race pit crews in perfect formation for the National Anthem and flyover!)
Then, (I wish you could hear it!) all the cars start their engines and it's a roar like you wouldn't believe to have almost fifty of these powerful engines running at once; it'll shake you in your seat! But that's nothing like it will be in a few minutes when they all get up to full speed and run that track at almost 200 mph!
From high up in the stands on what looks to be the top of the world....it's Talladega Spring race, 2009! What a wonderful weekend: perfect weather (breezy, sunny, high eighties) and really good racing. Of course, it's always a bonus when our favorite driver (Dale Earnhardt, Jr., who else?) is doing well. Kerry Earnhardt raced on Saturday and for just a little while, it was a thrill to see Dale Jr. and Kerry running together. Kerry had a fast car and ran well, got dumped in the draft late in the race but it gave us all a thrill to watch him do so well. Dale Jr. finished well Saturday but didn't end in the top spot, but the finish was exciting, which is always a plus for the fans in the stands so they feel like they got their money's worth! And, Sunday's race was awesome and Sunday's finish was beyond crazy, as I'm sure all of you that follow it, by now know! I will have more to show when I can get all my photos uploaded and edited...I ended the race video taping with my small Kodak, and wow...did I ever get a surprise at the finish line!
The fans are always colorful characters....(if you click on the photo it will be easier to see the beer can necklace this crafty fellow made to wear, and I'm sure it made for some interesting tan lines...!)
The scenery in the retail area isn't too bad, either. The shopping's fun!
I finally found the apron hanger I'd bought a few months ago...it had fallen down behind my old pie safe. And now my aprons finally have a well-deserved home, and they can easily be grabbed when I've got to get busy!
I'm from Michigan. Today I am in Alabama...and while we're here, just about anytime we order in a restaurant, anyone on the waitstaff can tell that I'm not from here(especially when I decline the offer of grits with my breakfast). And being the friendly people they are, inevitably they always say "Where ya'll from?"
Well, of course, we always tell them that we're here from Michigan, that Lem is originally from here, and that we're down visiting my daughter and her husband. (Not to mention the granddoggies {Bryant, Josie, and Dixie} and grandkitties {General Jackson, General Lee and Lucky} and the grand-pottbellied piggy named Suzie!)
This weekend we'll be at the NASCAR race at Talladega, which has now become a spring family tradition. We meet some good friends there from Georgia and have a good old time. (I am, among other dishes, making Pioneer Woman's beef brisket for the tailgating on Sunday...recipe here. The whole process is shown, then at the bottom of the post, there's a printable recipe. It's worth EVERY bit of the work involved!)
So....WHERE YA'LL FROM, dear readers? I sure would love it if you just tell me your name and where you're from! And, have a glass of sweet tea while you're at it!
(My husband is originally from this great state in the Heart of Dixie...and maybe, after thirty years of coming here, I actually should order those grits, what do ya think? I should be a little more adventurous! Oh, and a weather report for my friends in Michigan who may be reading this...I know ya'll were supposed to have great weather the whole weekend up to Sunday....but when we got to TN it was high eighties. I looked mighty silly in my jogging suit with the fleece jacket. Now last night we slept all night with the windows open, today it's mid seventies with a gentle breeze blowing and all the windows are still open! And, I busted out the flip-flops...that in itself is a cause for celebration! It feels WONDERFUL! Now I'm off to the store to get some of the ingredients I need for the tailgating on Saturday and Sunday! See you soon!)
I brought something back with me (to share with a lucky blog reader) last time I ventured north and went to the Amish store, Pioneer General. I thought my blog readers might enter the drawing to win the coloring book and a new box of crayons for their child or children....but then...
I opened up the new box full of possibilities, sniffed very deeply...and decided that perhaps an ADULT reader of my blog may want the crayons and coloring book for themselves! (I am always a sucker for a new box of crayons...never have outgrown that, and coloring is just plain fun and relaxing!) And then...
When I opened up the Amish coloring book to look at the hand-drawn pictures to be able to show you a few of them, I knew for sure that the grown-ups would definitely want to color in this book, too. And perhaps even trace a few of the pictures (like the wringer washer, above!) onto a flour sack towel to embroider as many of the drawings would be so cute on an old-fashioned dishtowel!
Poor Bowls.
Such an exciting day. Going to the tea party. Enjoying our freedom, driving Dixie, the sunshine and blue skies. Being with my sister and my niece, being able to visit on the way to and from the capitol. Stopping off for an hour at the thrift store. It would have been more than enough fun for one day. But, when I got home, a beautiful package was sitting on the table that had come in the mail that day: inside, wrapped beautifully and tied with a gorgeous sheer ribbon with daisies was this beautiful APRON that I'd bought-- made by a fellow Michiganian: Kathleen Grace, over at Kathy's Cottage; who is Hensindaisies on ETSY. She makes gorgeous items....go check her out!
I was thrilled with this colorful apron! It's well-made, nice and heavy, crisp with a saucy little ruffle on bottom, so that I when I walk outside to the clothesline, it flutters in the wind! And, it's got nice roomy pockets all the way across the front to hold my cordless and cellphone, which I take outside so I don't have to run all the way back inside if I get a phone call. (I can't wait to use it in a couple of weeks to wear during my spring garage sale!) It may end up being my favorite apron of them all and it will definitely be worn to a tea party in July! Thank you, Kathy!
Bye for now...and probably for the whole weekend. We've got good weather and lots and lots to do outside...so I'll visit with you again next week! I hope that you, too, have sunshine this weekend!
Get your cute lil' chickens out (or even your not-so-little kids, or the whole family out in the front yard and have a neighbor take your photo) and make them a sign...like my friend Amanda did. Take a photo ...after all this is our children's debt, as well as our own.
Then get the photos printed up at home on your printer on regular paper and send your own typed message with it: whatever you would like to say to these representatives who aren't listening to us, and make copies to send by mail, fax, or email to:
Your local or state representatives
Your governor
Your Congressional representatives
Your President
Your local news media
Your national news media (Treat it as if it were a press release!)
Tell them you wanted to be at a Tea Party but you weren't able to make it because you work or have little ones but that you're protesting straight to them.
It's nice to know that there is something moms with young families, or families or individuals that must work can DO!
Remember: not all patriots could make it to Boston or Philadelphia.....but they did anything they could do, and as history shows us, it all helps!
Octomom has a following of the major networks and, for weeks, that's all the television and print media could concentrate on!
Sarah Palin's daughter and her boyfriend break up and it's national coverage, and ABC sends an ambush interviewer all the way up to Alaska to get the lowdown for this important news to beam across the American airwaves, as IF you were dying to know any of the details. (I'm proud to note here that the boyfriend didn't dish any dirt for these parasitic "news" people.)
Yet, thousands of people (the taxpaying citizens who pay the way in this country) who ORGANIZE THEMSELVES into a body that would like to tell the government that they are unhappy with their gigantic spending and out-of-control, out-of-touch governance, and they REFUSE TO SHOW UP. And, if they happened to send out a token interviewer and crew....the coverage was blasphemous and an insult to freedom loving Americans everywhere.
There is NO DOUBT ABOUT IT: the so-called "fourth branch of government" is totally out of touch and might as well be--and probably will soon be--a state-run media. (Bailouts are in the works, I am sure!)
The sign on the left made me snicker. I did a lot of snickering today!
(Click on any photo to enlarge)
See this little grandma here? She ducked under her sign just before I shot the photo...little stinker!
"SAY WHAT? THE U.S.S.A.? UNITED SOCIALIST STATES OF AMERICA??" And pictured with those words was the hammer and sickle.
Teabags deposited upon the steps of the Capitol....
Listening to speeches...and at one point, the speaker had all of us take out our cellphones, and we dialed, and hit send so that we ALL CALLED WASHINGTON AT ONE TIME! It was HILARIOUS! I do believe we probably shut down the system. I've been calling Washington a lot lately, so I knew the number without being told because it's programmed into my phone! (My bad...)
Even the canines protest!
These signs got a lot of attention, my niece's was drawn by her...and was so cute and so true. We made my sister's because we'd heard that ACORN was going to show up and disrupt...we have a system down, my sister does the artwork, and I do the lettering. So we're all set for the next Tea Party.