I love the play of light in this shot. This tells me Luke is doing well at noticing light in his frame.
On our recent trip north, we made a point of being in a great spot to watch each sunset. There are no bad spots along the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore!
You know, there's nothing better about a vacation than deciding where to eat dinner, and then the next biggest question of the day is where to perch to watch the sunset.
Well...this is our choice spot. It rarely disappoints!
Here I am featuring Luke's shots of this sunset that was particularly beautiful...
Here is an excellent example of showing light and how it's playing off the beach rocks.
He did what he had to in order to get the perspective he wanted. Young people are so good with a camera! They will twist, contort, kneel, anything to get the shot.
And the play of light off the shoreline, a beautiful pastel shot, and an excellent choice for the feeling the evening left us with: contentment.
Contentment with the simple things in life.
Indeed, sunset is one of the beautiful free gifts we receive each evening from above. Done in colors to match the season.