What a summer it has been!
And yet...
I started out shortly after Luke got out of school by going south to get my daughter and the grandbabies to bring them back here for a two week visit. I stayed a week when I went, stayed a week when I took her back, and in between we put 4000 miles on the Suburban and it was a month later when I got back home again!
But what fun! I had a whole month with the babies and enjoyed all of it. :-)
Earlier this spring Lem had surgery and we've had a few follow-up appointments with that, too. One last week, another this week for the results of yet another MRI.
The neurosurgeon says that pituitary tumors can grow back so we are glad he's keeping an eye on it for us.
And I had my turn at surgery last week. I had a couple issues going on and needed a D&C and a removal of a uterine polyp.
Pathology will be back and I go in on Friday for a follow-up on that.
I hope we'll get a little vacation in sometime during August. :-)
I can hardly believe July is about to be over. I love July. It's such a good month, the more carefree days of for those of us in the northern states. The garden is in and already growing, but it's not quite yet time to can tomatoes or corn...
Best of all, the fireflies are flitting about in the evenings...do you have fireflies where you live?