Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Beer Can Chicken


We grill all year through....but some, grilling season is just beginning.  And it's one of the best times of the year.

This is one of the easiest and most delicious things to grill and I thought I'd share how I make something called "Drunk Chicken" by some, Beer Can Chicken by others, and just plain old GOOD EATIN' to me!

When you do this, you may want to make two--and use the chicken to freeze or shred to use in meals coming up in the week.

When you do this, you may want to use a turkey breast, for the same reason.

When you do this, you can even do so with a whole turkey if you are having a large crowd or if you have a sizable family!

One of these contraptions, called a "Poultry Pal" is helpful, but not necessary.  We got ours at the local hardware store, how handy, it works perfectly.  I've seen other contraptions for the same purpose.  (Click the link to see all the kinds of these that carries.)

The chicken CAN BE put right over the beer can once it's open, and then placed in some sort of a pan or tray with depth to catch all the drippings:  make sure it's something that you don't care to keep or care to keep nice.  This can get messy.

Use an aluminum foil (disposable) pan, or an old layer cake pan that you don't care about...

First, you will need a can or bottle.  

Pour into the pan...

Open the chicken, remove giblets, and wash the chicken thoroughly.

All chickens like a bath.  Heh.

Give your bird a nice massage with some olive oil....


Such a relaxed bird.

Then season with your favorite seasoning, or use something like this....I use this and add Kosher salt as well as coarsely-ground pepper.

All ready to go into the .... tanning bed?  Err...grill.

The chicken cooks with the moisture and steam from the beer, making the chicken moist, tender and delicious.  Each bite is perfect and tasty.  Our bird took about an hour and twenty minutes, and this roaster had a timer, that is a handy feature when grilling a chicken.

Time to eat!  Come 'n get it!  

If you like the chicken, skin on, this skin is crispy, tasty...perfect.

Enjoy!  If you have any questions, please ask in the comments section!


Sunny Simple Life said...

We do this too but right onto the can and use an old pie tin. We bbq all year long as well. But in the summer at least three times a week. Love summer!

Anonymous said...

Hi Joni,

Can this be done in the oven instead? I'm out of gas for the grill but this sounds delicious!

Old Centennial Farmhouse said...

Mary: you could do it in the oven, but I would worry about splattering and making a mess of your oven! I have not tried it so cannot recommend it. ;-)

Sandi @ The Primitive Skate said...

Your chicken looks so yummy!. We have made beer can chicken on the grill last summer...but our holder was just a cheap metal form that I bought, don't remember where...and you put a can of beer in the middle, chicken on top, then stuffed a potato on the open on top. I Like your holder much better. I'm gonna look in my area for one of these. Thanks for all your tips...I'm gonna look for that seasoning also, to try! Enjoy your weekend!!