Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Prayer Request Update...
I wanted to be sure to thank all of you who prayed for Jamie today, I am so humbled that so many of you cared. She spent about six hours today at the medical center where she met a new doctor, a female, who really listened. That was my prayer, that someone would listen and try to find out the root of the problem of the myriad of different symptoms she presented.
She had various tests today, and a diagnosis (Praise God!) and now she knows the name of what is wrong with her, and will go back for more tests in the morning. She has been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
What is so strange is that while she was waiting for one of her tests, she picked up and bought Kate Gosselin's book "Multiple Blessings" in the hospital gift shop. (Kate of "John & Kate Plus 8" fame.) Kate had polycystic ovarian syndrome and Jamie knew within the first few pages of that book that Kate was describing were her symptoms exactly.
So I just wanted to say that your prayers really made a difference and that they were very appreciated! There is no "cure" but now she can proceed with her life and getting on with it and she and her husband will go forward with starting a family.
Thanks again. I'm still amazed at the caring, sweet friends made through blogging!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Retro Housewife Bridal Shower! (And a prayer request)
These larger plates, below, will hold the croissants and the fresh fruits...
Back to the games...I like paper and pen games and enjoy them the most, but I know I should have an action game of some sort to get people up, moving, and most of all, laughing.
I need your help with ideas on games and it would be nice, (but not necessary at all) if they were retro games, something played at a bridal shower in the fifties, sixties or even the seventies.
So, if you would, in the comments section, would you tell what two games you enjoy at bridal showers?
And, a prayer request....
If you would, say a prayer for my sweet daughter, Jamie. She found out last week that she's got a 1-1/2" x 2" cyst on her ovary. She seems to be doing okay physically, the pain of it has subsided in the last few days, but I'd like your prayers for comfort and a diagnosis that will give her some answers as to a health situation involved with this...
She called tonight and has an appointment in the morning and I would so love to be there with her to take her to that doctor appointment, but I'm 750 miles away and she was in tears on the phone tonight (nerves? and missing her mom a little, I think) and I held mine off until she hung up, but I'm missing her, too. If I could, I'd be in Alabama in the morning.
The happy times and the hard times are hard to go through without your family close by. Sharing in the joys and heartbreaks in life--those are times --especially-- when you want to reach out to your loved ones.
Jamie with her cousin Sarah last fall...
Saturday, March 28, 2009
It's just over two weeks now, and I've got some Colonial-era costumes coming, I've got an Uncle Sam hat, an Abe Lincoln hat, a John Adams outfit, a George Washington outfit, my "Spirit of '76 flag" and I've got teabags, too.
I've purchased my extra-bright foam board, and the fattest, baddest broad-tip Marks-a-lot felt pen that I could buy.
I'm locked and loaded, ready to take aim at our government with my WORDS. I want them to see that I pulled my son out of school to join in and fight while we can, before we lose our beloved country to leftist, socialist Marxist government.
I'm all set for friends to come and fill up my Suburban (wanna go?) and head to the state capitol in Lansing and demonstrate against this administration and their multiple bankrupting "STIMULUS" (another word for Marxism, as Jay Leno so wisely put it!) packages. I'm sick of the word stimulus and I'm sick of their stinkin' packages. I'm ready to say so.
I've got a list going of slogans to put on each side of my foam boards, and I wouldn't mind your ideas to help me out.
LET'S GO PEOPLE, we've waited long enough! Reserve April 15 as an important day on your calendar, and honor the sacrifice of your forefathers....they'll be behind us all the way.
I've been living in a socialist state for almost eight years and I'm sick to death of the DEPRESSION. We've got 12 percent unemployment and higher fees, taxes and anything else our Canadian governor (who, shockingly advises Obama on the economy!) throws at us. I know what's ahead if somebody doesn't stop this government in its tracks and tell it to STOP STOMPING ON THE CONSTITUTION!
Here's some of my ideas for sign slogans, I'd love to hear YOURS...leave them in the comments section!
In Business There Are Winners & Losers! Get Over It!
Let Them Fail
How boring would a ballgame be if NOBODY LOST?
Friday, March 27, 2009
Seriously! A Friday Flasher & Other Absurdity...
I once knew a girl named Penny Money. Come on. Why would a mother allow that? I always wonder, did she go into the oldest profession on earth?
My sister not long ago heard a mother calling her daughter to come to her in the aisles of a mall one day. She thought she was imagining things, but no, the mother repeated the name so often and so LOUDLY that there was no mistake: she'd named her daughter Chlamydia. Stop laughing, that POOR GIRL! Wait until a certain subject somes up in the serious sex education classes in fifth or sixth grade and all the kids find out what that name means!
I have a friend who is a nurse, and sometimes venturing into the nursery where the bassinets lay with all those sweet babies can turn from the emitting of all those natural "oooh"and " awwwws" into a nightmare. The names some of the mothers allow their children to carry! Like Necrophilia. I'm not kidding. Look that one up and find out the meaning of that moniker. Oh. That's the worst. Can you beat that? (necrophilia is a mental illness of some sort that involves s*x and corpses. EWWW!)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Inspired By Farmhouse Freshness
Oh, look! A red gingham slipcovered couch with blue ticking covered pillows! WOW! Roosters, and baskets, oh my! Rag rugs, Boston ferns, green shutters hung on the inside! And the sun showing up those shiny oak floors!
The Magic of Ordinary Days

I want to make a movie (and the book is really good, too!) recommendation to you...and all of us who love anything vintage will love this sweet movie: it's an unexpected love story from Hallmark called "THE MAGIC OF ORDINARY DAYS". It's set in WWII, and the set design is wonderful and the costume designer outfitted a gorgeous looking cast: the clothing is beautiful and the countryside, the automobiles are all wonderful to look at, the outfit Livy wears in the opening scene, (the one shown on the movie jacket) is stunning, is that hat gorgeous, or what? Anyone who loves that period or lived through WWII, will enjoy this movie.
And, for those of us who love farms, farmhouses, small town-living and cooking, there's plenty of that in here, too. I've included the information about the movie from Wikipedia, so you can read that before you decide to try to find it, it's not easy to buy , but look here, too. But, it can be accessed to watch in several parts on YOUTUBE. Watching it in parts on Youtube won't be the same as snuggling in a chair with a blanket and your sweet doggie and a bowl of popcorn! Skeet Ulrich and Keri Russel are perfect for these two leading roles.
It is a wonderful movie and I highly recommend it, it's right up there in my view, with the SARAH PLAIN AND TALL series; something you'll enjoy watching again and again and share with your friends and family. Read here about 2009-10 movies planned for by Hallmark.
The Magic of Ordinary Days
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Magic of Ordinary Days was a Hallmark Hall of Fame presentation based on a novel of the same name by Ann Howard Creel and adapted as a teleplay by Camille Thomasson [1]. It first aired on CBS on January 30, 2005. It was directed by Brent Shields [2] and produced by Andrew Gottlieb [3], Cameron Johann, Jim O'Grady, and Richard Welsh (Executive Producer).
Set in 1944 Colorado, The Magic of Ordinary Days is the story of a young woman, Livy Dune (played by Keri Russell), who became pregnant before marriage. Her father, Rev. Dunne, decided to deal with the situation, by arranging a marriage to a shy farmer through another preacher. The groom, Ray Singleton (played by Skeet Ulrich), lives on a remote farm and is very different than Livy. Ray focuses on what is close to him: his family, his land, today. Livy thinks on a much grander scale: the world, ancient civilizations, far away places.
Ray's farm utilizes the help of Japanese Americans from a nearby Japanese American internment camp to help work the farm. Livy befriends two well-educated Japanese American women who were working the farm, Flora and Rose (Tania Gunadi and Gwendoline Yeo). She finds comfort and familiarity in their friendship. Livy is polite and civil to her new husband and his sister Martha (Mare Winningham), but she harbors feelings for the father of the baby, a World War II soldier, and feelings of guilt for the pregnancy. Ray, however, is caring, patient, and supportive of Livy, but the fact that she does not want him hurts him deeply. Slowly over time, the two come to understand and love each other, and appreciate that though they are different, neither is better or worse than the other.
Thriftin' on a Thursday: Cheery Cherries
Ugly Laundry Room Challenge by Parisienne Farmgirl
Parisienne Farmgirl (PFG) has challenged us to show our dirty laundry rooms for the whole blog world to see. You see, PFG lives in and loves, a sweet old home, like so many of us do. And yet, on laundry day she feels like she is descending into a dungeon and into hostile territory because of the wiggly worms and other bugs or rodents she may or may not find there. She showed us the whole ugly situation...and I agreed to back her up...we out here in the country stand behind our friends...so here you go, PFG: here's my ugliness and my bare-naked truth; I back you up, and I'm showin' it all. I do hold the line at opening the cabinet doors, or showing you the jumbled mess in my cloth bins of various cleaning supplies, rags, and light bulbs overhead on the shelves.
Hope it doesn't make anyone feel sorry for me though. It could be much worse, and at one time, it was! We are the third owners. And thankfully, the previous owners moved the laundry room UP to the top landing of the basement stairway...here's why.
Our basement is a "Michigan" basement, meaning that its walls are made of rock, the ceiling is rather low, you could bump your head on the way into the basement because the doorjamb is so short; and only the necessities like canning jars and lawn ornaments can be stored there because of the "moisture" factor: the cement floor was poured much later on top of the dirt floor that was there, and can sometimes have a "seeping" of water, especially this time of year when the ground thaws or when we get very heavy, sustained rains in the summertime. The sump pumps runs a lot. The poor dehumidifier works constantly. It's also a place where it's magically impossible to keep the cobwebs away.
So....if you have all these "romantic" notions about what a storybook life you would have if only you had a sweet old farmhouse, or that adorable, turn-of-the-century cottage, please know that reality will descend upon you at some point: if it's not the day you move in it won't take long!
BUT....this house has its own story: and even though we feel sometimes like we could have built from scratch and spent way, way less-- we do feel proud at times that we are preserving a nice piece of this area's history, in spite of all those frustrations.
We know how much they paid the carpenter per day to build it (one dollar), we know where the original log cabin once sat, we found the names of family members carved in the wood of those old barns, read the dried-out newspapers we found in the wall studs before it crumbled to dust because of age, and we know who planted the big maple tree in the front yard, and that there are a farm wife and mother's sweet, stillborn twin boys buried under the lilac tree, and that we will never disturb it. We love our house, feel that this place deserves love, just because of the families it sheltered and the love of the farmer that built it and those generations have passed away and we want to love it, too.
Here's my little, dinky, tiny and crowded laundry room...(it's not in our basement) there is no way to dress this little secret up! I am thankful for the surface for folding clothes on top of the front-loaders, that has been different from the top-loading traditional washer and dryer I once had. Back then I had to fold clothes on the dining room table.
Right off the dining room, is my laundry room. It's one half a step down and has about eighteen inches of clearance in front of the washer and dryer. The clothesline rotates and is good for line-drying inside if necessary or to hang clothes on hangers until the laundry's all done. Since there's practically no storage in any old farmhouse, you hang shelves where you can and stuff things in totes and push 'em in.
Room for one small sized laundry basket in front of the dryer, my dust mops and brooms stand in the corner, the clothes hampers are jammed in behind the dryer, I practically stand on my head to get the clothes out when they're done.
Since PFG showed the ugly basement in her house, I'll show you the belly of my old house even though my laundry room isn't down there. It's small, it's only the size of the original house. All electrical wires or satellite wires, or other cords must be up in the air because the floor gets wet; so there's cords running to and fro along the floor joists. So, walk low, wear shoes, and don't be a sissy about the spiders.
Do you want to see the DUNGEON? Get ready. It's scary, dank, and dark....and damp!
Watch your head...you'll hear squishing sounds, that's the water coming up through the floor as you step on it.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Ice Invades Bay Homes

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Random Thriftiness & Frugality! The Bee's Knees!
(Remember, we all need to be more frugal so that our all-knowing and extremely efficient government can keep more of what we make to fund more "snowboard research" , or perhaps another study of "pig manure". I know you'll be thrilled to help out and do your part.)
(Saying "the bee's knees" was a something my mom said alot. Her mother was English and that saying is slang that comes from the British combination of the words "be all and end all" meaning there could be no more improvement; something excellent and outstanding.)
Chicken ready for tacos or quesadillas
#3--While we're on the subject of meats, have I ever told you that one of the best shortcuts ever that I learned that gets used so often is this: hamburger that has been browned, drained, and put into quart-sized ziploc bags for the freezer?
This way, you can take advantage of ground beef on sale (or like us, we buy a half an organic angus beef so I mix it with equal amounts of ground turkey {and ground venison, if you have it} to stretch it even further).
This makes for super fast meals on the nights you want to put together tacos, spaghetti, lasagna, etc. This saves at least twenty minutes time in the preparation of those meals. I cook up big batches of this every couple of months and date them before freezing them. They usually never have a chance to age....they're used within a couple of months!
Brown the burger/turkey mixture in large quantities, drain in a colander so the fat will drain into a bowl underneath, crumble finely, and cool it down somewhat, then bag it up in quart size freezer bags with 2-4 cups each depending upon the size of your family. Remove the air and flatten the ziploc bags and lay them down in the freezer to take up less space.
If your family likes onion and/or green pepper in their ground beef, go ahead and throw that in when you're browning it.
spaghetti or delicious spaghetti pie
stuffed shells
tacos/nachos supreme
hamburger quiche
impossible hamburger pie
sloppy joes
hamburger soup
stuffed pepper soup
taco soup
spanish rice
hamburger casserole
Remember that by doing this, you have ELIMINATED A STEP, a very time-consuming step from the recipes making your prep time much less!! A timesaver on those busy nights when you need something fast, warm and healthy for your family.
Time To Make Runza!
The process starts with browing your ground beef just past the point of pink so it's not too dry (not shown here), setting it aside, and cooking your shredded or finely diced onions, cabbage (I use a coleslaw mix that is chopped or shredded) and chopped or shredded carrots in a large saucepan to the point of tenderness, and then mixing the meat and the vegetables and seasonings together for the filling and heating to hot without cooking to the point of mushiness.