These hearty farmbowls are from Sam's Club with the name REAL HOME on their little spicy bottoms. I use them a lot in the fall, and they're always on the table with my old bittersweet pattern stoneware dishes (which have their own story to tell!) that we use every year for Thanksgiving.
Nice ridges and border is always a plus, as it makes them a pleasure to handle, and easier to hang onto when they're slippery in the dishwater, no?
Yes, I do love nesting bowls. I'm not the only one. I can't get enough of them. You can learn more about how my post got started over here at Pioneer Woman's blog. (You'll need some time to yourself and a nice gigantic mug of coffee, because once you get to her Blogdom, you won't be able to stop reading. Just a warning! She has the most wonderful stuff in all of her blogrooms.)
I thought maybe it'd be a nice blog subject for all of us to share, (if you do post about your nesting bowls, let me know in the comments section and I will link you in this post!)
I know we'd all love to see your nesting bowls, too. I believe nesting bowls are just one of the pleasant little benefits about being a mom, a wife, and a cook. We won't mention the unpleasant ones. We'll not think about those today.
I really did enjoy my nesting bowl photography....the bowls behaved very well, posed nicely, held it for me for a couple shots each, and forgave me for my weeping and wailing at discovering the fact that there was one among them who is missing. Can you tell which set is missing one of its brethren?
Why had they not told me? Where has it gone? Is it in the trash, all broken up? Is it at some other house living in their pantry or cupboard? Is it in the kitchen at church, where I've left it after a potluck? (I need to look into this, it's bugging me now.)
I also have an orphan bowl and a batter bowl obsession, too, but we'll save those for another day.
Get brave. Show us your obsession with nesting bowls! Please?
(In the background for these photos, I used my three dollar handmade crocheted rag rug found at an estate sale last summer. I love it a lot! It lives on my porch in the summer.)
And this set of mixing bowls caught my eye not long ago at the thrift store, and they are for sale in my new Farmhouse store, not because I don't love them, I do, they're beautiful. And they're enamelware trimmed in silver.
But they are too gorgeous not to be in some beautiful shabby rose and very chic cottage. They just didn't feel at home in my farmhousey-ness; they had no other pastels to hang with!
Okay....I love your nesting bowls and I have a few of my own that I'll share in the near future. Mine'll just have to wait and see. ;D
There's nothing like pretty bowls to cheer a girl up! ;D
I love nesting bowls too! Yikes...I have lots of dishes, so I go easy on the nesting bowls. However, I do want some yellow ware bowls!
I've enjoyed my time here today. I like many of your songs on your playlist...Love Alan Jackson...OH and Boondocks is an all time fav of mine!
I adore those bowls!! I am avid collector of yellow ware bowls, and any other type of bowls too :) Yours are gorgeous!! I am going to visit those sites, how fun! Thanks so much for sharing!!
Hugs, Cynthia
I love nesting bowls, today I cooked for 7 hours and used every single one I have - I have stainless ones from an auction a couple years back and then there is the big one that we used in my daughters birth! (Archive Christmas 2007 -haha! Yes, I still use it!)
I have a set of yellow and blue ones that are from my shower almost 14 years ago - alas two out of three are left.
They are a weakness I don't get to give in to ...someday. YOURS are wonderful!
can we move these to the dining room perhaps? on those shelves? above the window??
And guess what.....husband just painted the wanescoting!
can you believe it? neither can I!
Love the cobalt blue of your Anchor Hocking nesting bowl set--mine I am afraid are just plain stainless steel. BORING...but I haven't broken any--yet :)
Blessings, aimee
Love, love, love your nesting bowls. I don't have any and envy yours (unless you count my stainless steel set, yuck)!!!
Read your blaaah, blaaah, blaaah, post and had to cringe. I'm glad you followed up with the cheery nesting bowls post! I understand parents are originally from Michigan and much of my extended family still live there. While summers are beautiful, winters can be harsh to say the least. Couple that with the news and you've got the making of one depressing cocktail!
Finally, I really enjoy your blog. I love your farmhouse. My husband and I built our home in 2002 to resemble a midwestern farmhouse. I love the fact that people will ask me when it was built and are shocked to learn it was in the 21st century! They think that it has been around much longer.
Will be back to lurk often. Hang in there!
I love your nesting bowls :)
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