Just a part of last summer's vegetable garden...
The past several days, we were blessed with warm temperatures (high fifties, to low seventies!) and warm sunshine. The week preceding this was cold with lots of drenching rain, so when we found ourselves out in the yard Sunday afternoon with rakes and wheelbarrows, the ground was moist and generous with its deep scent of that lovely, fresh DIRT aroma.
WHAT A JOY to feel the dirt under my fingernails again and to see small sprouts of green coming up through the dirt to greet us as we pulled leaves and winter debris from their beds! (Somehow, I think we'd ALL be healthier if we got dirtier!)
WHAT A HAPPY soundtrack for us to work by: the sound of the birds overhead in the giant maple tree, cheering us on as they'd watch for an opportunity to swoop down for a meal of fresh worm or squirming bug.
All this sunny, warm weather (even though we're going to get slammed with more snow storms and cold, blustery weather) has got us thinking about the garden and what to add or take away this year.
We always have a nice sized strawberry patch, some rhubarb, and four generous rows of raspberries. From that we reap a yeild far above what we can actually use, even after sharing with friends and neighbors. Last June, we slightly chopped the strawberries and tossed them with a scant 1/4 cup sugar, and froze them in quart-sized ziplocs. OHMYGOODNESS, they taste like FRESH when we've pulled them out this winter. We will very definitely do this again! We still have an abundance of raspberries, strawberries and have been eating them all winter long. I have more jam and have shared generously with that, too! I'm thinking I may have to start selling it!
3-4 kinds of peppers plus the hot ones
3-4 varieties of tomatoes
onions (what fun it was to grow them! And, we had enough leftover to put in our cold pantry that I just used my last one over the weekend!)
Peaches & Cream sweet corn (stagger planting so it's not all done at one time)
green beans (stagger planting)
zuchini (yes, we plant one hill and always have too many, want some?!)
yellow squash (OH YUM!)
butternut squash to use fresh and to freeze
pumpkins (as many as I can squeeze in! LOVE those in the fall to decorate with and give away!)
watermelon (if there's room)
red potaotes
more chickens (I hope!)
Now...answer me one question, if you would.
Your garden pictures look wonderful. I planted some bulbs today and transplanted some hollyhocks that were coming up. I'm also dreaming of garden vegetables. I can't wait!
zinnias! My favorite summer flower, I plant them everywhere!
I have a small garden which I grow tomatoes, zucchini, squash, not too much else.
I use steer manure, it's usually what they sell...no steers where I live! I go to Lowes lol
Summer: Zinnias have always been a favorite of mine. I like the mix and last year made a mistake and got the single color...next year I'll go back to the multi-color mix. And, if you know does steer manure seem pretty much weedless?
What an impressive gardener you are...the pictures of gardens (flower and vegetable) are to strive for.
Happy St. Patricks Day!
blessings, kari & kijsa
mushroom poo....I can't stand the smell of the the other poo...ha
hugs, friend
oh p.s.
I adore zinnias...grow them from seed and then gather their seeds.....every darn year they are better and better.
Have you seen the green variety?
this year it was cow ...next year CHICKEN! That's what my dad always used but unless you know someone willing to share thiers you can't get any chicken poo round chere.....so I'm getting chickens.....soon....
hi - LOVE Zinnia's. They are so hardy in the hot temps and last a long time in a vase, Also love black-eyed Susan's. My garden and flower plans are on hold because I might need to go out of town for a bit with no one to water things. That's ok - I am learning in S. Texas we have a few planting seasons so it will all work out. I have planted a Rhubarb plant - Looking forward to that if nothing else. Lots of horses around here - so I will be searching out horse poo when the time comes. Emily
I feed my garden a strick diet of Chicken poo. I have quite an abundance of it... but I have to let it compost for awhile, it is too rich to use fresh.
I love the photos of your garden and the Zinnias are gorgeous!!
I agree with you 100% we should all have dirt under our fingernails:-)
My plats are still living off of the pig poo that the previous owners of our house had! ;D Love dirt under my nails too!
I Love the garden!!! Such hard work!! Happy day sweetie!hughugs
Oh my stars, I want summer.
I took my vacation the first week of May so I can put my garden in. I can hardly wait. Its my Christmas. I just love your blog!
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