My Little Doxie
I am always on the lookout for little daschunds in my antique and thrift store travels. You don't see too many of them, but this one, he is just too cute! Here's the real cutie, though...."Little E"!
" Leave me alone! It's too cold and windy to go outside, mama!"
Hey Old Centennial Farmhouse! Thanks for leaving me your wonderful opinons and suggestions regarding the porch railings!
Love the littel Doxie (and the real one too)! I don't blame him, I wouldn't want to go outside either!
Finally, did I mention how much I enjoy your political point of view? Sometimes I think about posting and forget or think I did...gosh I must be getting close to turning 40! Anyway, we are big conservatives in this household. Funny story...what's a girl to do with a Poli Sci degree that doesn't plan to go to law for a Republican of course!
One of my early jobs out of college was working for an elected county prosecutor. When we took over in Jan. (the former admin. left us a huge mess) the first thing Todd and I did was to hang this huge portrait of Ronald Reagan that we found in the county courthouse storage area. I think victims and their families might have thought we were crazy (this during the Clinton admin),but hey, they had to have known that we wouldn't be soft on crime!!!
Blessings to you from KS!
Oh it is sooo cute over here! I am so like you...I can hardly wait until spring arrives! Then we can hang our laundry outside on the clothesline for real!
Really enjoyed my visit, yes I like nesting bowls too!
At Home in the Country
I love the sleeping dog photo. Too cute
Have a Terrific Thursday
from a Raggedy Roberta Anne
Oh, Doxie is just precious! My best friend has a little doggie like Doxie and she named him E.C.-stands for Earl Campbell hot dogs!! I have a little yorkie and he loves to get under the covers as he sleeps with us every night!
We have a doxie too. I very seldom see any doxie items at thrift stores but I always enjoy looking. Great photos today.
How sweet - don't you just our dogs? They add sooooo much to our lives...
Oh my that is so adorable.
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