I want to make a movie (and the book is really good, too!) recommendation to you...and all of us who love anything vintage will love this sweet movie: it's an unexpected love story from Hallmark called "THE MAGIC OF ORDINARY DAYS". It's set in WWII, and the set design is wonderful and the costume designer outfitted a gorgeous looking cast: the clothing is beautiful and the countryside, the automobiles are all wonderful to look at, the outfit Livy wears in the opening scene, (the one shown on the movie jacket) is stunning, is that hat gorgeous, or what? Anyone who loves that period or lived through WWII, will enjoy this movie.
And, for those of us who love farms, farmhouses, small town-living and cooking, there's plenty of that in here, too. I've included the information about the movie from Wikipedia, so you can read that before you decide to try to find it, it's not easy to buy , but look here, too. But, it can be accessed to watch in several parts on YOUTUBE. Watching it in parts on Youtube won't be the same as snuggling in a chair with a blanket and your sweet doggie and a bowl of popcorn! Skeet Ulrich and Keri Russel are perfect for these two leading roles.
It is a wonderful movie and I highly recommend it, it's right up there in my view, with the SARAH PLAIN AND TALL series; something you'll enjoy watching again and again and share with your friends and family. Read here about 2009-10 movies planned for by Hallmark.
The Magic of Ordinary Days
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Magic of Ordinary Days was a Hallmark Hall of Fame presentation based on a novel of the same name by Ann Howard Creel and adapted as a teleplay by Camille Thomasson [1]. It first aired on CBS on January 30, 2005. It was directed by Brent Shields [2] and produced by Andrew Gottlieb [3], Cameron Johann, Jim O'Grady, and Richard Welsh (Executive Producer).
Set in 1944 Colorado, The Magic of Ordinary Days is the story of a young woman, Livy Dune (played by Keri Russell), who became pregnant before marriage. Her father, Rev. Dunne, decided to deal with the situation, by arranging a marriage to a shy farmer through another preacher. The groom, Ray Singleton (played by Skeet Ulrich), lives on a remote farm and is very different than Livy. Ray focuses on what is close to him: his family, his land, today. Livy thinks on a much grander scale: the world, ancient civilizations, far away places.
Ray's farm utilizes the help of Japanese Americans from a nearby Japanese American internment camp to help work the farm. Livy befriends two well-educated Japanese American women who were working the farm, Flora and Rose (Tania Gunadi and Gwendoline Yeo). She finds comfort and familiarity in their friendship. Livy is polite and civil to her new husband and his sister Martha (Mare Winningham), but she harbors feelings for the father of the baby, a World War II soldier, and feelings of guilt for the pregnancy. Ray, however, is caring, patient, and supportive of Livy, but the fact that she does not want him hurts him deeply. Slowly over time, the two come to understand and love each other, and appreciate that though they are different, neither is better or worse than the other.
Sounds just like my kind of movie. Thanks for recommending it.
This is a good movie. I don't have many movies, but I do have this one.
This looks good - I actually just rented The Waitress staring the same girl.
It was corny but entertaining. Usually I am really picky about movies but after seeing her in the waitress I will check this one out.
I went to high school with Skeet Ulrich! I've seen the movie and still have a hard time putting him as a once-mullet-wearing punky high schooler playing this part!
I love old style movies. Most movies anymore are about how many times you can get curse words and topless scenes. It is nice to hear about a movie that has actual writers that worked on it. :)
I remember that movie it was great! I often watch movies just to look at the setting. As a matter of fact that's my main criteria. Do you ever get decorating ideas from them?
I watched this movie quite recently. It was so lovely! Quite rare nowadays...
I've been watching this over and over again since I dvr'd it a few months ago . . . I googled it and found your site! I'm so happy I did . . . we're interested in the same things! Thank you!
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