Cynthia is celebrating spring by doing a fun and bright giveaway! I told her I'd help a girl out and send some of my farmhouse friends by her cute lil' cottage blog to see what she's offering! She is allowing the winner to choose from three cute as PIE signs...that say BAKE, PIE, PANTRY, CUPCAKE OR COTTAGE! All these PLUS two of the most adorable dishtowels, ever, pictured in the photo above, from Moda Home. Now, how much fun is that? Skip over to Cynthia's and take a look and leave a comment to enter! While you are over there, click on her right sidebar to enter her cute as a cupcake Cottage store, where she sells some of her cottage wares!
Bloggies are the best of friends! This is catchy....I'm going to do my own giveaway next week! So, watch for it!
Thanks for your comment on my blog post.
You are certainly the poet, aren't you :-) - Loved it!
Inexperienced with snow, I thought I could go out early this morning with darling daughter and make a snow man - ugh- the snow would not stick.
Go ahead join my Nebraska sister and tsk,tsk me:-(
Love the pic on your post...Miss Cynthia is certainly talented. So many bloggers could easily intimidate me, if I thought hard enough!
I really appreciate your post on my rant post...I am feeling very down politically.
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