Thursday, March 18, 2010

STORY TIME! Timmy Mouse

Another vintage book (a nice, springy one!), a Junior Elf Book from Rand McNally by Miriam Clark Potter. These were from a church sale and this one was very well-worn...but I still love it. It was published in 1951, so it's an oldie, almost 60!

Even though I'm a country girl, mice give me the heebie jeebies. I can squish a spider with my finger if I need to, will step on bugs with my bare feet if that's all I've got, but mice IN THE HOUSE make me scream.
Why are mice so cute in books?

I mean, this family is just, take a look! Their little sod cottage with the flowers growing on the roof...the rounded green door with a heart shape window? Ohmygosh!

In real life, the only "mouse houses" I've ever seen are messes of dried grass and fur and little mouse poo everywhere....this mouse family are neat compared to the real thing! Ha!

And everybody likes a happy ending!

But can you imagine your son trying to find your daughter a new home, if you were late coming back to the house? Ha!


jamjar said...

I love looking thru my library from when my children were little and snuggly and would let me read to them! I also love nesting bowls. I stopped buying all the wonderful sets (old or new) that I run across for lack of space...but Oh, I wish I could...
Love your posts and pix...

Julie Harward said...

Loved the little book, these old ones are so dear aren't they..this was a real cute one...Come say hi :D...sometime!

Lorri said...

I loved this book. I remember it as a child. I also had a penny for candy. When I am in old bookstores I look for them, but have never found them. Thanks for posting.

Shannon said...

I had this book as a child. It was one of my favorite stories. Thank you so much for posting pictures of the pages. I couldn't remember exactly what it looked like. So cool!

Shannon said...

I had this book as a child. It was one of my favorite stories. Thank you so much for posting pictures of the pages. I couldn't remember exactly what it looked like. So cool!

Anonymous said...

This was a favorite book when I was a child. My grandmother had a collection of Rand McNally books that I read every time I visited her. I can't wait to read this to my own granddaughter tomorrow! Thank you so much for posting it!