Garage sale season has begun in Michigan, and it's exciting for those of use who love them: for one the beautiful weather, the free feeling of going out without bundling up...enjoying the camaraderie with your fellow bargain hunters (I see some of the same people each and every Thursday morning that I'm able to of the gals has the exact same model and make and color of car that I have, I've actually walked to her parked car by mistake!), the other is the thrill of looking through someone's castaways that could become a treasure to you or to someone you love. (I'm also weird enough that I enjoy the garage sales in town because I get to see some of the nice older homes closer up than just from the road as I drive through!)
I won't bore you here with all my finds from last Thursday, but I thought you may like to see my favorite bargain: these very old, very delicate and perfectly faded vintage Christmas ornaments that I found for $1....I couldn't believe they were still there, as everything usually starts at 8 a.m. and I didn't arrive at this particular sale until almost 11! On my way to the car, I already knew who might really, really love these for a birthday gift or a Christmas gift. I can't wait to wrap them and give them!
Garage sales are fun for more than one reason, and I hope you have a chance to go to a few this spring, too! It's the best season of the year!
I typed really fast and my words were mixed up. I'll blame it on my Early morning blog brain. We'll try it again. :)
Those ornaments look just like the ones my Grandma had. I think my folks still have some of them. :) I can always count on you for great memory sparkers. Thanks
Ok. That was much better. lol
As a fellow Michiganian I share your excitement in finally being able to garage sale again! It's a sure sign of spring around here isn't it? I would NEVER be bored seeing what great deals you got! The ornaments look like the ones I hung on our tree as a little girl:>)
I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day. I got a little nervous when I saw the Christmas ornamnents, I thought I must of slept longer than I thought last night! They are a great find.
Beautiful! Great find =) I have yet to get to my first garage sale of the year, maybe this week! Am so excited!
Nearly brings tears to my eyes to have to pass by those handmade garage sale signs, but no extra $$$ right now. Even for garage sales. So...I make do with what I have, and get back out in the gardens!
I would rather go through someone else's junk than go to a regular store. I don't know why it's more fun, but it just it.
Wow, what a find and a bargain!
Thank you so much for coming by and seeing me...I just love your blog I hope you don't might me becoming a follower of yours..Thank you again my new found friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I like your blog...Merry, happy May ! Great finds at the garage sale and you're right, usually anything worth buying at a garage sale is gone by 11:00 a.m. Now the real trick is to store them away til December and THEN remember where you out them, At least, that would be my problem!
Good morning Joni :)
I love those ornaments! My mom still has a few from her childhood.
Your little man post was wonderful... truly wonderful.
Oh and I bought the main colored ones with the white chalk pen :)
Hurray for yard sales!!! I am an avid yardsaler. I love your ornaments, I found a box of similarly aged ones at an auction last year for a dollar!! Although they are not as many different shapes as the ones you found they looked lovely on our tree. We just used white lights and tons of different balls. They antique look was stunning, hope you enjoy yours as much.
I wish I was there to shop--look at those ornaments! They should be hanging on my tree!
Hey Joni;
You must know I would LOVE this blog! The ornaments are BEE-YOU-TIFUL! You hit the big-time jackpot at that sale. I'm going to have to find the time before my daughters wedding to go garage saling with you! Maybe she can meet me at your house after she gets married on Wednesdays in the Spring and Summer!
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