We awoke Sunday morning to a magical world. The sort of scene that when you lift the shade to peek outside, you suck in your breath for a minute and then let it out with an "oohhh....!"
All was quiet and still. The air still had the mist of fog that had lain low the night before, surrounding all of our homes and trees with a white that was pure and which sparkled like a dream.
Although we got ready and went to service, I could not easily keep in step with the choir or the preacher....I could not help but look out the windows of our country church and admire the artwork God left for us to find in that morning. If I had stayed up and watched the same tree all night long, would I have been able to see him perform this handiwork? Would I have been able to watch the crystals form and grow?
There is no way to adequately capture what we saw that quiet and still morning on camera, but still I will leave you with one effort at preserving that beauty to share...I hope you enjoy it.
See, I've turned Lem, finally, into a photographer. This was a man who never touched a camera before we got married.
But. It was he who grabbed the camera and went out and took these photos, while I still snoozed in the bed on a quiet Sunday. He let the dogs out early, saw the magic, and found the camera. He was so proud of himself. And, I have to say, I am proud of him, too. Are you?
Good Job Lem! Beautiful!
OMG it's gorgeous!
wowwie cazowie Lemmy
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