As the firstborn to a couple of rookies, you were the experimental model and you love us still in spite of our mess-ups and fumbles. And we loved you before you ever showed us your face, and so enjoyed all the fun you brought to our home. Always a bounce in your step (always a step ahead of mom!) and a smile, a happy, smart, and curious blonde girl!
I wish we could be with you in Alabama today, to hug you, to feed you at your choice of restaurant, and to make you a big cake with ice cream to share. But know today, as always, that we all love you and miss you and wish all the best for this brand new year!
Love, Mom and Dad, your brothers and your doggie BUDDY!
Oh my heart!!
Roberta Anne
You wuv me --- you really wuv me : ) Thank you!!! I love you guys!
Hi Joni!
Thanks so much for stopping in and leaving such sweet comments too! I adore your blog! and what a great picture in your front yard with the flag! Congrats to your daughter! How wonderful!
and yes, I will do a tutorial when I get some time on decoupaging. BUt , lol, I am no expert, if you click on my side bar with my blog roll, you'll see a link to "favorite home to visit" , SHE is the true expert, and might have the info right there for you!
Have a wonderful day, Hugs, Cynthia
What a beautiful picture of you and your lucky she is to have a mommy as creative as you!
The PINK dress is amazing!
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