It's a chilly, chilly morning at Pine Hollow Lodge . Come on in!
In the kitchen are custom-made Amish cabinets and it's decorated in a special blueberry theme inspired by a childhood book Mary enjoyed called "Blueberries for Sal". Mary designed the cabinets and the Amish built them for her. They are made of Ash.
In the kitchen are custom-made Amish cabinets and it's decorated in a special blueberry theme inspired by a childhood book Mary enjoyed called "Blueberries for Sal". Mary designed the cabinets and the Amish built them for her. They are made of Ash.
On the side of one end of the base cabinets is tucked a little display shelf. Here she displays a favorite tea set, perfect for hot cocoa!
I found two kinds of berry fabric in my stash and sent it up to her. She inserted the muslin strip between the two and stamped it with blue ink using individual letter stamps with lines quoted from the book. Clever, huh?
A built-in corner china cabinet full of blue beauty.
Mary had the book, Blueberries for Sal taken apart and matted and framed in very large frame at a frame shop. It makes a nice graphic display for a very large wall. Above it hangs a blueberry wreath I picked up at a garage sale. So much fun when a room is a "theme".
My favorite piece in the room is a chalkboard and calendar frame Mary had made for the wall by phone with a magnet board at the top for memos using leftover tin backsplash from the walls. Also this stool is an antique store find and a bright spot for a guest to sit and visit while dinner is finished. Cute apron, too, eh?
Mary's back splash is real tin and is a bright spot in contrast to all the wood in the kitchen. Cobalt pendant lights hang from the tongue and groove pine ceiling to brighten the corners.
A perfectly blueberry tea kettle sits on the stove waiting to whistle for a cup of hot cocoa.
Are you chilly?
Let's go sit down with chubby cups of cocoa...shall we?
Hope you're keepin' warm today!
WOWEE I LOVE that old yellow stool and that bear story board is too cute!
Blueberries for Sal is one of my all-time favorite children's books! When my kids were younger, it was the 1st book we read at the beginning of each homeschool year, then we would make blueberry muffins together. I love this whole blueberry theme!
Hm. I think I'll go spit on my kitchen now. ;o)
The workmanship of the Amish is incredible and the theme is just so sweet! Love what she did with the curtains and the book/picture. Oh, and the vintage stool and blackboard and and and and ...
Thank you for sharing these images with us. Really a pretty and creative kitchen.
ooops. forgot to tell you who I am:
jAne *
Just beautiful, Joni!
Is that Lindt Stymeist china-the tea set etc. ? I love that stuff and have many pieces mixed in with our Fiesta. It fits in this old farmhouse retro 1940's kitchen just perfect!
Have a wonderful day!
p.s. How is your daughter doing?
That fabric stamping idea...well I think I just have to borrow it. As Anne of Green Gables says "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". Thank you to you and Mary.
I love those tags are on canisters. Too cute.
To "On our front porch";
Yes! Those are Lindt/Styme dishes.
I'm wondering where you find your yours??? I love the great colors and unique shapes, but the store I bought those at has since gone out of business. I'd love to know where to get more! Please help... To everyone else, thanks for all your kind comments. I wish I could invite you all over for hot chocolate or blueberry tea!
p.s. I've recently found a stash of blueberry printed dish towels and other blueberry goodies at Stonewall Kitchen.
Hello, I'm new to your blog, just jumped over from Jans...the picture of your farmhouse drew me in! I love it! Your blog is wonderful! Wonderful pics, recipes and information!
Love it! Love it! Love it! My favorite part is the hand stamped quotes on the curtains. Perfection!
My kiddos love the book and are always perplexed by the notion that Sal is a girl...but looks like a boy. :)
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