Saturday, December 6, 2008

My Granddoggies...

Here's the pug known as JOSIE (real name Josefina) ...she WUVS her Nana...and Nana is going to see Josie after Christmas. Josie has the most expressive little face and the most wonderful little curly tail that I love to uncurl, over and over....

Here's DIXIE (A redbone hound)...such a pretty girl, with soft velvety fur, she's gloriously squishy right now, she has all this extra skin that she's going to be growing into and she's soft and sweet with those brown eyes that beg. Her Nana loves to squish all those exta rolls of warm fur! Get ready, Dixie, Nana's gonna squish you to pieces!

And here's my oldest granddoggy, another redbone BRYANT, he's big and bad, sorta shy and quiet, loves Nana but tries to pretend that he doesn't really care (I so much know all about that game....). He's a bit aloof and when you warm him up a little, he's very playful and fun. He also LOVES a good watermelon on a hot summer day and he loves to play basketball. (No, he can't shoot, silly, but boy can he run after the basketball and put that baby in his mouth!!!!!) He has a huge bark and is protective of his yard and regularly patrols his territory, what a man!

1 comment:

the voice of melody said...

The dogs are so cute! I love doggie pictures almost as much as food pictures! :)