Wednesday, August 19, 2009

iTunes & iTouch

iTunes cards make wonderful gifts. I've had an iPod or and iTouch for a while and my oldest son usually gets me an iTune card for my birthday or Christmas. I get so excited because the possibilities are endless. I recently discovered there are books that I can buy and some of them are cheaper or the same price as a paperback edition! Music is great, but being able to "read" while I mow makes me feel like I'm actually accomplishing something while I mow!

AND...since we have a router in our home, I recently found that I can read all your blogs on this iTouch via GOOGLE READER...and can do this anywhere around the house or yard, while sitting in the recliner, or while rocking on the porch or laying in bed relaxing...I can read blogs like I once read magazines! The only drawback, is that I'm not able to comment from my via Google Reader (that I know of! Am I wrong?).

I am so happy with this discovery and I know it takes me awhile, but eventually I catch up with technology!

SPEAKING OF TECHNOLOGY: Can anyone tell me why I can't watch video or hear audio with the Mozilla Firefox browser? I've downloaded the applications and still cannot do this! It's very frustrating but downloading doesn't seem to activate the audio and video applications! HELP!

I know these gift cards are in different amounts and believe me, anyone with an iTouch or and iPod will be more than happy to get one for their special day!

OH...and in case you all didn't know already, MARY ENGELBREIT has a "Home Companion" blog now! Go here to see it!

What do you use YOUR iTouch for?


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love my IPOD and have the attachment to plug it into the cigarette lighter in my car. I can listen to my own tunes! Thanks for the link and the info!

Twisted Fencepost said...

I don't have one. But my son does. He plays music and games. He LOVES it. It was worth every cent he saved for months in order to buy it.

Farmgirl Cyn said...

I have an Ipod, but so far I only use it for downloading any special teachings I find on the web. Lots of David Wilkerson, Paul Washer, etc. This way, I have church whenever i want!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

I have a MP3 player and enjoy listening to audio books. Dave has downloaded some of my cd's and I enjoy listening to music. Did you know you can download books from the library onto MP3's and I-Pods? BTW, if my car didn't have cig lighters, etc. so we purchased a tape that plugs into the tape player and then into my MP3 and play it through car speakers.

I like Farmgirl Cyn's post about downloading David Wilkerson, great idea but I'll have to go to the library to download...we don't have enough bandwidth at home.

Kelly B said...

I don't know how I would survive without my iPOD. Sometimes it is the only way I can get 5 minutes without "Mommy!!" being called. Now I understand why my mom would tell us when we were little, "Mommy is on vacation.". I could never get firefox to work well, so we dumped it for Safari. Thanks for the heads up about the ME blog!! :)

Ali said...

Wow, I am SO behind! Am I the only one without one of these devices? I have been wanting one, but....I don't think hubby thinks its very "practical," maybe someday! I would LOVE to be able to listen to books on it, I used to do that when I worked. I worked on a Mac and played audiobooks on my iTunes pretty much everyday, it was great!

Not sure about firefox, I haven't had any problems with it. Just a Java update here and there. Good luck!

Mimi Sue said...

Thanks for the ME link. I love her art so much. Mimi

Kathleen Grace said...

Sorry, I'm not that techno advanced yet, but some day...:>) Being able to read my blogs anywhere would be the best!

the wild raspberry said...

isn't our world so techno?
no iTouch for me yet...i'm always behind...
as for Firefox~maybe you need to download a certain plug-in~
i prefer Firefox now that i'm used to it~

Judy said...

I just found your blog and it's wonderful. I get iTunes Music cards as gifts for my kids and they love it. I'll be back to visit again.

Anonymous said...

WHY have I never done this? That is what my next giftcard is going towards!!!!

seanymph said...

I love Firefox and have no problems with it. Their addons are the bomb. But there is one issue I dont like. If you just downloaded it...the new version....many things dont work with it. Many of my addons have stopped working because I downloaded the new one. Eventually the addons will catch up like before but in the meantime the things Ive gotten used to dont work at the moment. Its frustrating. Perhaps thats whats going on with you.