But, to make up for the lack of geographical scenery that some of you enjoy, we do live in a place that sits in the wide open, there is a big sky, and the sunrises and the sunsets are easily seen and some not to be missed. (At night, a lot of stars are seen due to the lack of outdoor lighting. One of our favorite things to do is have a campfire, and sit around it and stargaze.)
For now, just enjoy an early spring sunset with me!
I looked out one evening week before last, and I literally sucked in my breath at the sight of this sunset and made a mad dash for the camera, because opportunities like this one are lost in one single minute, as any of you would know who have photographed sunsets. This was a particularly brilliant one and I hope you enjoy scenery from my backdoor today!
It looks like a fire in the sky, how very beautiful.
Have a Blessed Sunday
from The Raggedy Girl--Roberta Anne
Just beautiful! And I agree that being surrounded by fields of corn is a wonderful sight to see, LOL!
Good morning Joni,
That is my favorite kindof geography. I love the open spaces...after traveling I'm always soo glad to get back home where I can *see*.
PS I'm from Idaho
It DOES look like fire in the sky!! How beautiful!!hughugs
Awesome!!! I love these kinds of pictures. Just beautiful. I'll be posting soon a beauty I got by hook one eve ... hope you'll pop over & join me.
Have a blessed week.
TTFN ~ Marydon
One of our favorite things to do is sit by the campfire and look up at the night sky! The heavens truly declare His majesty!
Absolutely gorgeous! Every sun-up and sun-set is a gift and I often do the same as you described. The wide open spaces... I'd have them any day over busy peopled landscapes. Thank you for sharing your sunset over the bare fields. (: Vicki
Oh but it is so gorgeous!! I grew up on a remote farm. There's almost nothing more beautiful than the landscape.
Happy Monday.. :)
What an absolutely stunning sight and for free :-)
Thanks for sharing!
I love driving by farms and the fields that surround them! They are wonderful to look at! Beautiful sunset---yea I know all about those mad dashes for the camera:)
Blessings, Aimee
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