I once purchased all my 100% cotton sheet sets at an outlet center nearby, which has since gone out of business, and I hadn't found a "new" source to get them and was in dire need of some new ones. I'd made a couple purchases, which were pricey, but disappointing. They wore out amazingly fast, and I'd grown discouraged trying to find good ones again.
And then when I recently walked through an aisle at Sam's that I rarely ever walk through (I was actually on the hunt for a new set of nesting bowls, shame on me!) and I saw this big lineup of sheets. WOW! They ranged from the low end, to the high end for $89 and under per set and these are the middle range for $39/queen size. These are 425 thread count, 100% cotton, extra deep pocket, and LUXURIOUS, I feel like I'm at the Hilton when I pull back the covers on our bed at night.
AND....better yet, this set comes with FOUR pillowcases (and don't most of us have four pillows on the bed? Yup! Smart!). There is satin trim on the flat sheet and on the pillowcases. I thought my bloggy friends might want to know.
OHHHH. I am jealous! LOL I wish I lived more than 1 1/2 hrs away from a Sam's club!
You go, girl! What a GREAT deal!
Thank you for this post!!! We are in dire need of more bedsheets and have a Sam's Club membership! Just never think to shop there for my "fine linens". Ha Ha! Farmhouse living at its best.
I did drop by your friend's blog whose son met with tragedy earlier this week! I tell ya! So kind of you to post the link so that she can know that there are so many of us out there praying for her son and family.
Finally, I always laugh and think of you when I hear something outrageously biased on the Clinton News Network (CNN). Unfortunatley, we have a very old television on the 3rd floor and it doesn't go past channel 51. (FOX News is on 61...go figure!) I must endure CNN or watch Lifetime Television for Women. Hmmm...with either of these choices I feel like "common sense has left the building." Ha Ha...I usually take the Lifetime option!
Blessings to you from Kansas,
I'll be checking These out!! Thanks for the tip sweetie!hughugs
I just got the cutest nesting bowls from Target via Amazon. Eight of them and each one is a different color. They are so sweet.
Happy Tuesday
from Roberta Anne
$$$ is scarce right now, but last year I got some of the nicest sheets from Marshall's....made even sweeter when line dried!
In desperate need of sheets so will check it out tomorrow!
Sounds like a real treat! I love good sheets, nothing better in the world to help you sleep good. I usually find some nice sheets at Home Goods, but you found a great deal! Thanks for passing on the information!
That is a GREAT deal! Yeah howdy!!!
OOOOh, thanks for the shopping tip, who knew Sam's had sheets with a 400 thread count at such a reasonable price? I'm running as fast as I can to get some of those babies!!!
♥ Teresa
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