My sweet husband surprises me sometimes. Yesterday he worked all day and after work came in and gave me a big hug, that doesn't surprise me. He did that as he usually does. But then he slipped an envelope into my hand. It was a card from the drugstore and sweet and all that, but inside was one of the things I've always loved about the man. A short, to the point heartfelt sentiment, and one of his little drawings of us. I wish I'd known to start saving these right from the beginning. I'll show you the card so you can see what I mean...
You see, 28 years ago yesterday, we were engaged, and he still wants to go "hand in hand for at least 28 more"! Even though I'm older, hair is growing out of places it absolutely SHOULDN'T be...and my hiney is bigger and my .... well, it doesn't matter.
We're growing old together, hand in hand, and that's the way it should be. And his sweet notes will always warm my heart, and those little stick figures he draws when he signs his name will always make me giggle!
So sweet! Happy Valentine's one day late.
That is SO sweet!! I LOVE the stick couple he added on the inside of the card:) SO cute!
PS-Congrats on getting your other blog up and running. Am looking forward to reading it.
Hello you two! Thanks, Kathy for the V-day wishes. And, Aimee thanks for your comments on my other blog. I haven't been able to post on it like I want to, this week, Washington was ripe with subjects on which to post, but I was wrapped up in our project and couldn't get to the typing I needed to do. I'll be back to it soon!
I alwasys like how dad draws in the cards.... I always liked how hw would sign Sugie's name too and draw her on my cards after I moved away.
I am so behind on my comments here - the photos are great. I love Michigan, my soul about leaps out of my chest when I stand on the shores of Lake Michigan.
Vday looked great - we never go out either. - That cake looks wonderful!!! And I am so glad to have the muffin recipe, I made cinnamon rolls for the coffee counter at church yesterday only to find out that pastor cant eat cinnamon (poor thing) but all the baked goods I do have tons of cinnamon...
You're really freaking me out - we really think alike - I too focus on organizing and indoor stuff cause once this weather breaks I will be a muddy mess until Halloween. CAN'T WAIT!
Oh, and as far as yesterday...NOT Jr.s fault!!!!
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