Ahh....the Redbone breed, they're a mellow bunch. Unless they're playing tug 'o war, chasing a ball, or hot on the trail of a coon or squirrel or rabbit or cat or ....in Duke's case, huntin' television! (He really does watch the outdoor channel and "hunts" the animals, whichever one! )
Well anyway, there's nothing like these redbone coohound dogs when they're relaxing and all mellow! Our dog, Duke, (above) plays it like he's a man and stretches out on the sofa, making sure his head is somewhere near the pillow and he stretches, yawns, and snores. Soon, he'll turn over, and grunt and groan and afterwhile he'll snore some more.
And when you wake him up, he has that startled look like "Huh? What'd you do that for? Is there a fire somewhere?" (In case you need to know, Duke's accent when he talks is similar to Forrest Gump's. After all, he's from Alabama!)
Now our beautiful redbone granddogs, below, are much more reserved and don't necessarily show all their parts like Duke, their relative, up above does. (I had to really crop the top picture or you would have seen all of his, ummm.... kiwis, as we like to call them.)
These two granddoggies are just gorgeous when they sleep and they don't have their skin all in bunches like Duke does. These two are pretty enough to take pictures of when they sleep. They're the definition of MELLOW!
Those are my babies --- you should also mention that Dixie and Duke and brother and sister - - and she is just like Duke hunting things and is even starting to bark at the TV -- but her daddy yells at her to stop. : )
Great pictures of wonderful puppies. I love him kicking back on the pillow.
Roberta Anne
OMG seriously that was hilarious...so, so funny.
I absolutely LOVE these photos--especially the top one of Duke:) It makes me smile everytime I see it!!
Blessings your way! A
I know this is a bit late but I've been using my hubby's high speed, non dial up PC---been keeping up with your blog though:)
Aimee! I love your name. My name was Amy for three or four days, and then my dad changed my name when it came time to fill out the birth certificate! Anyway, thanks for your comment and I'm so glad that someone other than me finds the Duke pictures funny! *Ü* Stop back anytime!
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