I thought you might like to see some goodies I was lucky enough to get for Christmas...
My daughter reads my blog and she went straight to Amazon.com and ordered me some of the retro goodies I had found and told about here in December.
(Honest, I hadn't even thought of that as a "hint" but wow, was I ever happy!)
This radio by Crosley was the most awesome gift! Girl, you know I like my talk radio and I had no radio in the house that would pull in my big radio station from Detroit (WJR) without a lot of annoying popping and frying; and none of my radios would pick up the only FM talk station in the area! It was not a happy situation.
Well, my problem is now solved quite well with this little blue number: it pulls in all my favorite radio stations very clearly and cleanly. I love the fact that the tuning is not with a button, it's with a knob that you turn, just the way I like it and just the way it ought to be! And the dial lights up and stays lit while it's plugged in, so sweet!
(Can I hear an AMEN for radios with real POWER and for KNOBS instead of ARROWS!?)
The bonus? It looks right at home sitting on my kitchen counter and the blue matches my cabinet knobs perfectly!
Well, my problem is now solved quite well with this little blue number: it pulls in all my favorite radio stations very clearly and cleanly. I love the fact that the tuning is not with a button, it's with a knob that you turn, just the way I like it and just the way it ought to be! And the dial lights up and stays lit while it's plugged in, so sweet!
(Can I hear an AMEN for radios with real POWER and for KNOBS instead of ARROWS!?)
The bonus? It looks right at home sitting on my kitchen counter and the blue matches my cabinet knobs perfectly!
And check this!! I got the most awesome cookbook! It looks so stinkin' cute sittin' on my little cookbook cabinet. I can't wait to try some of the recipes and it's easy on the eyes, too, eh?
(Ooh...yum, I want to go to Kresge's and sit at the counter while they whirl my malt and twirl on a stool wearin' my saddle shoes.)
(Ooh...yum, I want to go to Kresge's and sit at the counter while they whirl my malt and twirl on a stool wearin' my saddle shoes.)
And then I opened another retro surprise, this wall phone! OH MY WORD! I love it! It fits just barely into about the only spare spot on the wall in the kitchen, so CUTE! You should hear it when it rings! I wish it could be two short and one long!
This sweet little recipe holder I got from my friend, Shelley. A little rolling pin with a slot to hold up your recipe card, I've never had one of these before. When I'm not using it, it's the perfect size so that it sits on top of the back splash out of the way. Is that not the cutest little thing?
And I was blown away by this brightly colored and cheerful BREAD BOX! Sweetness and it has PLAID on it....oh my gosh!!
To me it's such a treasure and it sits next to the toaster and holds all the bread and then some: it's nice and deep! I am so in love with it and the spring flower and butterfly are a welcome sight this time of year, isn't this the cutest thing ever?!
(Why won't they make them again!? Did they cause cancer or something? Don't tell anyone, but I think I could hide my favorite Girl Scout cookies in the bottom and no one would be the wiser! *Ü*)

And last, but certainly not least, iTunes gift cards are always a hit...I love getting them and with it I bought Sarah Palin's new book, Going Rogue. I still have a few dollars to spend and it's always fun to "shop".
I have to admit I love looking through some of the (silly) applications on iTunes.
My youngest son got the "Atomic Fart" one on Christmas eve and I swear my son-in-law almost turned himself inside out laughing at some of the farts and some of the hilarious TITLES of same when we were in Alabama. He was begging my daughter to buy that application for him, so funny!!!!
(Sorry, ladies, but I have to be real here: I've always thought farts were funny and I think I always will, there is no way I can't laugh when I hear any fart but especially the "atomic fart"! If you cannot or will not laugh at funny farts at anyplace except the dinner table and in front of company, well....you need help that's all I can say! *Ü* Laughing at funny farts is just plain good for you! AMEN?!)
I already bought the "Scrabble" application and it's kind of addicting, especially when you get a taste of "beating the computer". Ayup, it just hooks you in and I'm sure they want you to feel like a genius so you tell all your friends to buy the Scrabble application, too!
Anyhow.....back to "Going Rogue": I absolutely LOVED Sarah's book and it has almost sixty chapters. I heard the WHOLE thing on the way down to see Jamie. I feel like I know so much more about her and I feel justified in my initial impressions of her and how likable she is have been reinforced. She does the reading of the audiobook herself and I could listen to her talk ALL DAY LONG, you betcha!
I love how she thinks, her story about how she put herself through college, hers and Todd's story, and her philosophy about family, government, freedom, and the people. To put it plainly, I REALLY, REALLY LIKE HER.
I would recommend the book to any Tea Party Patriot to get to know Sarah better: I'm sure that somehow she will be a major player in the next presidential campaign.
So those were my favorite Christmas gifts, I loved them all and the bag of Twizzlers my husband always makes sure to put in my stocking was a bonus!
Looks like you had a great Christmas!
I love all of your vintage goodies.
I have that cook book and love it. You just have to try the Mile High Biscuits on page 10. They are to die for. You got some really super gifts.
we did the whole Kresge's routine ,too.
We'd go to LaFayette shopping for school clothes, and then end up at the diner, swirling our stools
Twirling on a stool and sipping a malt, I'm with you. I'm off to buy the Sarah Palin audio book. (I love her voice too!)I've only had one other audio book and it was an awesome experience. Bridges of Madison County - so nice to have someone to read to you. Very relaxing.
Looks like you had a great Christmas! Ah yes, the good old days. Every time you make a 'retro' post, I find myself adding items to my Amazon wishlist ;-)
Listening to Going Rogue currently. Love it, and yes I could listen to her all day long. If it's possible, I even like her MORE than I did before... over halfway through with the audio book. What a gal!
AhMANNNN!!! I LOVE that radio!!! SWEET Daughter!!!!
Happy weekend Girl!!
Wow, great gifts!! I especially love that phone!!
You sure cleaned up for Christmas!!!What a great bunch of presents! and what a very smart daughter! As for Going Rogue, Sarah had my vote the moment I first listened to her speak! Got the book and am about halfway through right now. In my opinion, she's miles ahead of that other lady in that poll that was taken! (: xxxVicki
Awesome gifts, I love the phone and the radio especially! I have a radio that is very similar in my kitchen, only it is pink =)
Oh Joni...you are such a crackup and I'm pretty sure you are a long lost family member of mine! Atomic Farts would go over real well with my family too ;o). Loved your Christmas gifts, they look like they have been around forever. I haven't gotten into listening to books yet, but might have to try that while I'm waiting around at all the sports practices for my kiddos. Well I'm glad I've caught up on your blog, thanks for the laughs!
Um, I think my hubby probably is being cheated out of royalties on that atomic fart thing! Surely they had a high-tech recording device SOMEWHERE next to him just a minute ago. Can you believe that man NEVER farted in front of me BEFORE I married him? Surely, knowing him the way you do, you'll agree that would be considered grounds for an annulment, right there! He is truly a legend, and not just in his own mind on that score. Tee Hee!
P.S. Love all your cute retro gifts. If that radio pulls in stations that well, I'll have to buy one for up here in the north woods! I so miss listening to Rush Limbaugh. Thanks to your comfort food post a few days ago, my daughter begged for stew. So, this afternoon we enjoyed a hearty vennison stew which had simmered in the crock pot for about 12 hours. MMMMMmmm. Now I'm going to make some apple crisp from a comfort food kit! Yumm-o.
P.S. The apple crisp was DELICIOUS as I knew it would be. I made it with the crushed pecans dried cranberries. I had to take down my Christmas decorations, which I hate to do, it's always such a let-down, like saying goodbye to old friends. But, smelling the apple crisp baking in the oven made this chore much more pleasant. Thanks again for the DIY Comfort Food Kit. It was a comfort when I needed it!
You must have been a good girl this year to get so many things you were wanting! How sweet that your family remembered and knew where to go. That makes for a special Christmas! Enjoy your goodies~
Saw this headline and thought of you: Sarah Palin takes Fox News commentator job. Didn't know if you had seen that or not. I'm not good at transferring links, so if this doesn't work... it's me and not the link! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_palin_fox_news
I love the retro radio too....and that bread box....ever so cute and very " Mayberryish" I bet Aunt Bee had one similar..Like Sarah Palin too...she is refreshing...
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