Friday, November 28, 2008
Why Do I Always Think This Year's Tree is the Prettiest Yet?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
From the bulging picture file on my computer named "EBAY" come two pictures and two stories. Well, actually I have over 1400 pictures in that file, listed on the same day and sold just hours apart and show you that you just NEVER KNOW. I mean, a bunch of plastic from Tupperware the late eighties? Who knew?
The top picture is a set of Tupperware stencils from the late eighties, still in their original bag, never used. PRICE: .25 cents. My kids used to play with these, back when kids still picked up paper and pencils to play.
The lower picture is of a very old (or vintage as they say on eBay) kitchen prayer plate that your grandma could have had in her kitchen when her kids were growing up. It was made in Ohio and had a stamp on the back with the town's name. PRICE: $1.00
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
First, the old sweater has to be wool. Then it's shrunk (washed and dried) and the arms cut off, it is then lined and made into a purse, the handles have cording in the centers to keep them from stretching. On the inside are pockets made from the sleeve, the handles come from the other sleeve. Clever, huh? The button closure is a loop and the button is chunky and substantial. I'll let you know how it is to use. I just thought you might like this idea for your old sweater, I won't be looking at old wool sweaters the same anymore!
What a nice day! The weather really stinks but it's a nice day anyway. It's gray, cloudy, dreary and a cold rain is falling. It's the kind of cold rain that if the temperature dropped a couple degrees it would be SNOW. (How I wish it were! The guys were watching the UM game this afternoon while I made the soup and it's snowing big flakes there! I'm actually jealous!)
For the guys it was nice because it's opening day of deer season, and for me because it's the annual craft show at Flushing High. I met a friend and her daughter there and it was really nice to be able to be with a friend, get into the Christmas spirit looking at all the gifts and Christmas decorations. I bought a few things and as we walked out into the cold and windy rain I thought, baked potato soup sounded so good for today. So, I came home and got busy, and it really isn't that long from start to finish for this rich and hearty soup. I thought you might like to have the recipe to try, so here it is!
(Garnish with green onion or chives, and shredded cheese and real bacon bits if you have them, if you don't it's still darn good!)
4-6 large potatoes, peeled and diced
6-8 c. water
1-12 ounce can of evaporated milk
16 oz. heavy cream
1/2 c. sour cream
3 T. butter (optional, it tastes just as good without it!)
1/2 t. onion salt
1/2 t. garlic powder
salt to taste
coarsely ground or freshly ground pepper, to taste
1. Place the potatoes and water in a large saucepan. Bring water to a boil and reduce heat and simmer just until potatoes become tender...bring some out and test with a fork
2. Mix together the evaporated milk, heavy cream, sour cream, butter and onion salt, garlic powder and salt and pepper with the potatoes. Simmer stirring often to keep from scorching until the soup is creamy and not watery. If you can't wait for this, I have found that adding instant potato flakes to the soup can easily speed up the process.
3. When the soup is the right consistency, scoop out into another bowl and mash just SOME of the potatoes (unless you added the instant flakes) and return to mixture.
4. Serve with shredded cheddar on top, and a few real bacon bits, and if you like some chopped chives or green onion...enjoy! It's even better leftover tomorrow. Very filling and warms you right up!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Corn's All Gone!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
To Honor a Veteran....
Thad, we love you and honor you and all those who are like you today. A young man fresh out of high school ready to go serve his country wherever he may be needed is reason enough to keep on believing in the goodness of the United States of America. Thank God for all the boys who become men over the years in the way Thad did. God Bless America and God Bless Our Military and Our Soldiers.
Why America’s Veterans Should Be Honored
Why should America’s veterans be honored? America’s veterans should be honored because they risked their lives to defend their country: the United States of America. In any war, of all that we have been in, every veteran in every war who died in it, or who survived to live out the rest of his or her lives should be honored the same: greatly.
One example of that is World War II. Many men died in the battles of Normandy and Iwo Jima. They died defending our country. Normandy and Iwo Jima were two of the worst battles in World War II. The men that fought these battles were all braver than most people in the world today! In the battle of Normandy, around 10,000 men died, when only around 5,000 men have died in the war in Iraq. But every man in both World War II and the war in Iraq should be honored with great respect.
Another example is my brother-in-law, Thad B*****. He served our country for six and a half years, but before he was honorably discharged, he was a sergeant in the 3rd Armored Calvary of the US Army; he was a Bradley tank mechanic. His regiment came in from the Persian Gulf and he made his way with his regiment towards Baghdad and Fallujah. As they rolled into Fallujah on a convoy with people yelling at them and trying to stop the convoy.
He worked non-stop for days at a time with no sleep at all, and when he did sleep, it was on top of his "88" tank recovery wrecker's hood. Sometimes he would realize that he had not removed his boots for days when it was 120 degrees. They had no source of water, so they had to find ways to get it in hostile territory and in very dangerous conditions, but they had to have it to be able to do their work. He only got to talk to his mother one time while he was in Iraq and had to hang up because they were getting shelled. He was so thin when he got home that his mother hardly recognized him.
He doesn't ever say much about his time in Iraq, and when someone tries to thank him for serving, he replies "I was just doin' my job."
That is why America's veterans should be honored because every soldier does their part and we will never know what all they went through physically and mentally, to defend our country.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Baby, It's COLD Outside!
One week ago today, I took the convertible out for a ride, TOP DOWN. Today, it's so cold and tonight will be in the low twenties...brrr! Get ready, winter's showing up!
Week One: Off to a Blazing Start

Sunday, November 9, 2008
She's her daddy's girl.....

Saturday, November 8, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
My Rock....
He is my children's father, the one who they look up to, and in their eyes he can do no wrong. They all want to please him, and I appreciate that. He is sentimental, and that is not weakness, as I once may have thought: sentimentality is a good and kind strength.
He is strong, he is hard-working, he may be too quiet sometimes but over the years I have come to appreciate what that means. I love his common sense, and I love that he came out so good when he went through so much in life that was not so good.
I love how he loves his animals and how he takes such good care of them. He is my rock and without him, there would be no foundation for me.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
My guy didn't win the primary or the general. So.....I'm just trying to focus on the fact that God is still in control. Our enemies, however, are very happy. That should tell us something. But, no. We're more interested in "making history". Yes, we will make history. And it will be hell when we finally realize what we've done. And it won't be our greatness that will make the history books this time. Those who look to the government to "fix" everything, rarely are satisfied, and at some point they'll look up from their low and groveling position to see that they could've and should have done better for themselves on their own. And for all those helpless types with their hands out, we all DO have the freedom to make for ourselves a better life. Right now, anyway.
Obama the Great eerily talks about a "civilian security force" and soon you may not have the freedoms you once had, your family and neighbors may have to report you for something as terrible as opposing the party in power, owning a firearm, or earning extra money that the government wants to get its hands on in order to hand out to others or keep for its fat and greedy spending habits. This "civilian security force" may be like the KGB in nature, and you'll have to take it, because that's the way Obama rolls. He said it, the masses ignored it, and when they're fully enmeshed in his policy, may regret their folly and the resulting loss of freedoms but it will be too late.
Pure hell is the fact that we have allowed ourselves to be defeated politically and economically into submission to an ideal that we know for a fact never has worked, never will work. We have elected a man who hates the military, hates any sort of authority. I can't even go to Canada without showing my birth certificate and he becomes President without releasing his to prove his country of birth? He couldn't get any kind of clearance even for low-level security because of his radical associations and he is now our President? (Even a low-rank air-force soldier has more clearance than Obama could ever obtain!)
Here is a man who will do more in a few years to disassemble our constitution and our democratic republic than any man before and how do we know this? Because he has said so , he will also knowingly take away and dismantle defense systems important to our safety and security, and we cheer him like a god?
I never thought I'd see the day that the America I knew would join Cuba, Venezuela and all other shining examples in Europe of communist/socialist ideals. God Help Us.
I am so sorry that Americans are so lazy, and so intellectually and morally bankrupt that they could actually elect someone who so fundamentally stands for everything our country has fought against for so many years, who takes in his lies and follows like the pied piper.
Reagan defeated communism in the Soviet Union, and we as Americans remember so little of history that we ask for socialism on a GREEN PLATTER? The next four to eight years will be like the Carter years times ten.
Obama, a far left wing nut job running as a centrist, spoon feeds the people lies with the help of his socialist followers in the media and the people obligingly swallow them. I am convinced that from this day forward, nothing but rosy forecasts will follow his inauguration day. Even if things aren't rosy, the Kool-Aid drinkers in the mainstream media will be only too happy to be spoon-fed what to report and how to report it in glowing terms. Those who do not follow the die that has been cast will be put out of business. Freedom of speech will be a thing of the past. He and his cronies on the left in Congress will try a “Fairness Doctrine”!
The decsendance into putrefaction has begun, and we will reap the pungent rewards of this into our grandchildren's generation. There is no question that the election of this socialist is a mistake, the magnitude of which is enormous. Will it ever be fixable, or will we have cast ourselves into the pit of miserable mediocrity forever? Once a nation takes the plunge over the cliff into "economic fairness" is there anything but pain beyond it?
Will The One be happy only when he has dropped each and every one of us into the very same boiling pot of poison policy?
Everyone will have a goal set for them by Obama, and that goal will be for all of us to become middle class. He will not be happy until we are all the same and his radical left wing nuts in Congress will only be too happy to help him with this goal. I am sorry for our nation, and even sorrier that we have a generation of people too lazy or too ignorant to not realize that to ignore history is to repeat it.
Too bad that they will be taking all of us, our children and their children along for the fall. The English say "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN"! I say “GOD, PLEASE SAVE AMERICA and preserve her and honor the sacrifice and wisdom of our forefathers. And give our children the wisdom to look backward in order to know how to go forward once this long siege is over!”
And....remember that it's my blog, and I'll post what I want to. You're welcome to comment, and you're welcome to start your own blog. Let's talk freely while we're able. Sadly, it may not last for long.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Why do I like living in the COUNTRY?
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Ma and Pa Kettle
Saturday, November 1, 2008
How'd Jack-o-Lanterns get their name?
Jack O'Lanterns have been part of Halloween for hundreds of years in both the U.S. and Great Britain, where our familiar 'pumpkin lanterns' are often made from large turnips. The name 'Jack O'Lantern' is not nearly as old as Halloween and originally had nothing to do with the holiday. 'Jack O'Lantern' was a 17th century term for a night watchman, so called because he carried a lantern on his rounds. The term was also applied to 'will-o'-the-wisps,' the strange lights sometimes seen in swamps and graveyards at night, based on the belief that the lights seen were the lanterns carried by spectral watchmen making their ghostly rounds. With such a spooky history, it's not surprising that Jack O'Lanterns became a fixture, and emblem, of Halloween.